Symptom 2: Muscle Rigidity: The Unseen Chains of NMS

Next in our lineup of symptoms is muscle rigidity. Picture this: your muscles, normally flexible and accommodating, suddenly acting as if bound by invisible chains, stiff and unyielding. This is the essence of muscle rigidity in NMS—a disturbing rigidity that can affect any part of the body.
Muscle rigidity in NMS is particularly fascinating because of the pattern it often presents—an abnormal rigidity known as “lead pipe rigidity.” Now, that’s an evocative term, isn’t it? The comparison to lead pipes hints at the level of stiffness we’re dealing with here.
The muscular system, with its intricate network of fibres and nerves, essentially becomes a battleground for NMS. The disruptor, in this case, is dopamine—a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in controlling muscle movement. When NMS strikes, it throws the dopamine balance off-kilter, leading to the manifestation of rigidity.
However, muscle rigidity does more than just restrict movement—it also contributes to hyperthermia. Stiff muscles mean increased muscle activity, which in turn leads to heightened body temperature. This shows the interconnected nature of NMS symptoms and their cascading impact on the body.(2)