Symptom 8: Tachycardia: The Racing Pulse of NMS

Let’s steer our focus to the heart now – the throbbing core of our body. With NMS, one might experience tachycardia, or a rapidly beating heart. This symptom presents a heart that’s in an incessant race, pulsating at a speed that can be alarming.
The fascinating part of tachycardia lies in its direct correlation with autonomic instability. Picture the autonomic nervous system as an orchestra conductor, setting the pace for the heart’s rhythm. In NMS, the conductor loses control, and the heart, untamed, races on.
This racing pulse, however, is more than just a quickened heartbeat. It can strain the heart, potentially leading to other heart-related complications. Moreover, a fast-beating heart can leave one feeling breathless and fatigued, affecting overall well-being. (8)