When Sleep Attacks: The Top 10 Causes of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

8. Dehydration: The Underestimated Cause of Daytime Fatigue

Dehydration The Underestimated Cause of Daytime Fatigue

Have you ever considered how your hydration levels might be affecting your sleep? Most people haven’t. Yet, dehydration can be a surprising cause of daytime sleepiness. Water is fundamental to virtually every metabolic process in our bodies, including the production of energy at the cellular level.

Sure, a glass of water seems far removed from the complexity of sleep science. But don’t underestimate its power. Being dehydrated means your body has to work harder to ensure basic functions, and this extra work consumes energy, leading to fatigue. It’s akin to running a car with inadequate oil; it will still function but far less efficiently.

Interestingly, dehydration can disturb your sleep in covert ways. For example, it can cause dry mouth and throat, which might make you more prone to snoring or a scratchy throat—factors that can interrupt a peaceful night’s sleep. You wake up not feeling fully refreshed, and the cycle of daytime sleepiness continues. (8)

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