When To Be Concerned: Spotting 10 Symptoms of Rectal Prolapse in Kids

2. Mucus Discharge: The Slippery Indicator

Mucus Discharge The Slippery Indicator

Another indication of rectal prolapse in children is the presence of mucus discharge. This isn’t your everyday wetness; it’s a distinctive, often slimy secretion that can be found in a child’s underwear or diapers. This mucus discharge stems from the irritated lining of the protruding rectum, which tends to produce extra mucus.

Interestingly, this mucus can sometimes be tinged with blood, especially if the prolapse leads to any local trauma or excessive straining. The consistency and amount of the mucus can vary, with some children experiencing just a slight wetness, while others might have a more copious discharge.

What makes mucus discharge a symptom to watch out for is its potential to cause secondary issues. For instance, this mucus can lead to skin irritation around the anal region, often manifesting as itching or even a rash. The moisture, combined with the body’s warmth, creates an ideal environment for bacterial growth.

One may wonder why the body produces this mucus in the first place. In the case of rectal prolapse, it’s the body’s response to an irritated and inflamed rectal lining. The mucus acts as a lubricant, facilitating smoother bowel movements and offering a protective layer against potential damage. (2)

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