When To Be Concerned: Spotting 10 Symptoms of Rectal Prolapse in Kids

4. Anal Itching: The Relentless Irritation

Anal Itching The Relentless Irritation

Anal itching, also known as pruritus ani, can be quite tormenting for a child with rectal prolapse. This isn’t a random itch; it’s persistent, often intense, and can cause significant discomfort. While itching in itself is bothersome, the act of scratching can further irritate the area, leading to a vicious cycle.

Several factors contribute to this itching. The mucus discharge, mentioned earlier, plays a role. Its consistent wetness and potential bacterial growth can lead to itchiness. Additionally, the protruding rectal tissue can cause direct irritation, given its sensitivity and its exposure to external elements.

What’s noteworthy is that the itching can often be more severe at night. The reasons aren’t entirely clear, but it’s believed that the body’s natural circadian rhythms and the reduced distractions at night can make one more aware of the itch. This nocturnal itching can disrupt sleep, leading to fatigue and irritability during the day.

It’s also worth noting that while itching is a symptom of rectal prolapse, it can also have psychological effects. The constant urge to scratch, combined with the potential embarrassment of the act, can affect a child’s self-esteem and confidence, emphasizing the symptom’s multifaceted impact. (4)

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