When to Worry: 10 Oral Thrush Symptoms in Children You Should Know

3. Difficulty Swallowing: The Slimy Symptom of Oral Thrush

Difficulty Swallowing The Slimy Symptom of Oral Thrush

The discomfort or difficulty while swallowing, known as dysphagia, takes thrush from being merely an oral nuisance to affecting the overall quality of life for a child. They might refuse food or even liquids, not always being able to articulate why. Children especially may lack the vocabulary to describe the sensation, which makes it a stealthy but severe symptom.

Dysphagia presents in different ways. Some children find it painful to swallow, often likening the sensation to something “stuck” in their throat. Others report a burning feeling, almost like heartburn, which can be mistaken for gastrointestinal issues. The fungal infection can cause the esophagus to become inflamed, adding a layer of difficulty to the simple act of swallowing.

Given that kids are generally picky eaters, the sudden onset of swallowing issues can lead to other problems like weight loss or nutritional deficiencies. Not only does the symptom affect physical health, but it also adds emotional stress to mealtime. A usually enjoyable family time can turn into a source of tension. (3)

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