5. Redness and Swelling: The Inflammatory Signs of Oral Thrush

If you notice a sudden redness and swelling in your child’s oral cavity, don’t rush to the assumption that it’s a simple irritation. These symptoms often walk hand in hand with oral thrush, creating a vivid landscape of inflamed tissues. Yet, redness and swelling are not just companion symptoms; they tell their own intricate story.
The natural pink hue of a healthy mouth can take on a deeper, almost fiery red shade during a thrush infection. Inflammation is the body’s innate response to infection, but in this case, it’s a double-edged sword. While trying to combat the Candida yeast, the body inadvertently ends up causing collateral damage to its tissues.
Swelling often accompanies the redness, leading to a ‘puffier’ appearance of the gums, tongue, or inner cheeks. The mucous membranes may appear engorged and tender to the touch. Such swelling can even affect a child’s speech, causing them to slur words or struggle with pronunciation temporarily. (5)