Why Didn’t I Know This? 15 Duodenal Ulcer Facts Unveiled

12. The Exercise Paradox: It Helps, But Also Hurts

The Exercise Paradox It Helps, But Also Hurts

Physical fitness is a buzzword today. From managing weight to combating stress, exercise is hailed as a cure-all. So, can hitting the gym resolve duodenal ulcers? Alas, the relationship between exercise and these ulcers is a dance of dichotomy.

Engaging in moderate exercise can reduce stress levels. Stress hormones like cortisol are implicated in increased acid production in the stomach. Lower stress theoretically equates to less stomach acid, offering relief to duodenal ulcer sufferers.

But let’s step on the brakes here. Rigorous, high-intensity exercise might actually exacerbate the condition. Overexertion can divert blood flow away from the digestive system. Less blood in the duodenum means less capacity to heal and fight off bacteria, including our notorious Helicobacter pylori.

Moreover, some fitness enthusiasts use painkillers to mitigate muscle aches. NSAIDs, the kind of painkillers you should be avoiding if you have a duodenal ulcer, often make an appearance here. It’s a vicious cycle. (12)

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