Why Didn’t I Know This? 15 Duodenal Ulcer Facts Unveiled

14. Women and Ulcers: A Lesser-known Connection

Women and Ulcers A Lesser-known Connection

When we talk about duodenal ulcers, the stereotypical patient is often a middle-aged man. But what about women? Gender does play a role, and it’s not as straightforward as you might think.

Women of childbearing age seem to have some level of protection against duodenal ulcers. Hormones like estrogen are thought to offer this protective shield, although the exact mechanism remains poorly understood.

However, the risk appears to surge post-menopause, when hormone levels drop. Post-menopausal women not only become more susceptible to duodenal ulcers but often experience more severe complications from them.

The complexity doesn’t end there. Pregnancy, with its whirlwind of hormonal changes, can either mitigate or exacerbate existing ulcers. The additional stress on the body during this time can be a triggering factor, making management tricky. (14)

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