8. Unregulated Use of Steroids: Power and Pain in a Pill

Many athletes and bodybuilders swear by steroids for muscle growth and endurance, but these powerful substances come with their own baggage. Steroids like corticosteroids are also used medically for various conditions but can increase the likelihood of stomach ulcers, especially when used in excess or without proper supervision.
Consider how steroids work. They mimic hormones produced by the adrenal glands, resulting in an anti-inflammatory effect. However, that same mechanism can thin out the mucus layer protecting your stomach, leaving the organ exposed to its own acid. It’s like stripping away the armor from a soldier heading into battle.
There’s also the question of ‘stacking,’ a practice in which multiple types of steroids or other supplements are taken simultaneously. This cocktail amplifies the risks associated with each substance, leading to a cumulative negative impact on the stomach lining. It’s a case of the whole being more hazardous than the sum of its parts. (8)