Why Women Snore: 10 Crucial Facts That Will Change Your Nights

3. Snoring and Weight: The Correlation Women Can’t Ignore

Snoring and Weight The Correlation Women Can't Ignore

Snoring and body weight share an intricate relationship that’s particularly compelling for women. Though snoring is common among people of all sizes, excess weight, particularly around the neck, intensifies snoring. Let’s get into why that is.

When you put on extra pounds, some of that weight goes to the neck area. The additional fatty tissue squeezes the internal diameter of the throat, making it more likely to collapse during sleep, which leads to snoring. It’s not just the excess weight but where it gets deposited that counts.

Let’s talk science for a moment. The mechanism at play here is straightforward but often overlooked. More weight leads to reduced lung volume, affecting your airway’s pressure balance. That altered balance increases the chances of your airway collapsing, which leads to—you guessed it—snoring.

What makes this weight-snoring connection particularly interesting is its heightened impact on women. Ladies tend to gain weight in different areas than men, and when a woman gains weight around her neck, it can exacerbate existing snoring issues or kickstart new ones. (3)

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