Why Women Snore: 10 Crucial Facts That Will Change Your Nights

8. Beauty Sleep Compromised: Snoring and Skin Health for Women

Beauty Sleep Compromised Snoring and Skin Health for Women

What do women’s magazines, influencers, and dermatologists have in common? They all talk about the coveted “beauty sleep.” But what if that beauty sleep is hindered by, you guessed it, snoring? This is where it gets intriguing for women.

We’ve all heard of oxygen facials and their beauty benefits. Now, imagine the opposite. When a woman snores, her skin isn’t getting that optimal oxygen it loves. This can lead to puffiness and premature signs of aging. No, thank you!

Ever wonder why a poor night’s sleep makes your skin look like a dehydrated raisin? It’s primarily because snoring causes interrupted sleep, which messes with your body’s ability to repair skin cells. The result? Lackluster skin that no amount of makeup can salvage.(8)

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