Why You’re Always Tired: 10 Obstructive Sleep Apnea Symptoms

7. Night Sweats: The Unseen Storm

Night Sweats The Unseen Storm

Imagine this—you wake up drenched, as if you just ran a marathon in your dreams. Except, this is no dream; it’s a harsh reality for many with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Night sweats can be so severe that they soak through your clothing and bedding, leaving you clammy and uncomfortable.

While sweating is a natural bodily function, this level of nocturnal perspiration isn’t standard operating procedure. It’s your body’s way of saying, “I’m working overtime here!” When you’re not breathing adequately, your body is expending extra energy to keep vital systems going, kind of like a hamster running frenetically on a wheel.

You might be tempted to crank up the air conditioner or ditch the pajamas, but that’s just a Band-Aid solution. The underlying issue remains unaddressed. It’s akin to mopping up a leak without fixing the pipe. Sure, the floor might be dry, but you haven’t solved anything.

What’s especially troubling is the aftermath. Not only do you lose sleep, but you also wake up dehydrated. It’s a double whammy: sleep deprivation coupled with dehydration. It’s like waking up with a hangover, but without the party the night before.(7)

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