Your Quick-Read on the Top 10 Symptoms of Esophageal Achalasia

3. Chest Pain: The Silent Scream

Chest Pain The Silent Scream

It’s a sensation that would grab anyone’s attention: chest pain. You’re just sitting there, minding your business, and suddenly, your chest feels like it’s holding a hot coal. That’s achalasia for you, presenting symptoms that are as varied as they are dramatic.

Unlike the chest pain that comes with conditions like heart attacks, this one’s different. It’s not a sharp, shooting pain; instead, it feels like someone’s squeezing your chest in a vice grip. It’s more like enduring a prolonged, uncomfortable hug from a boa constrictor.

Let’s debunk a myth: this isn’t a symptom that only occurs during or after meals. It can make its appearance at any time, even when you’re not eating. That makes it a hard symptom to pin down and one that can easily be misunderstood. (3)

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