Your Stomach’s SOS: Top 10 Symptoms of Autoimmune Gastritis Unraveled

5. Intermittent Diarrhea: The Gut’s Confounding Message

Intermittent Diarrhea The Gut's Confounding Message

Have you ever experienced diarrhea without a clear culprit? With autoimmune gastritis, you get diarrhea that’s elusive in origin. No spicy food or dodgy shrimp to blame here. This irregularity in bowel movements doesn’t always come screaming into your life; sometimes, it tiptoes in quietly, leaving you scratching your head.

The human body is a marvel of systems and signals, but when autoimmune gastritis steps into the ring, it’s like the gut loses its bearings. The stomach lining gets inflamed, and suddenly, your gastrointestinal tract starts misfiring. This isn’t merely a case of indigestion; this is your gut in chaos. Gastric juices, designed to break down food, go into overdrive or halt without reason. The end result? Diarrhea that shows up uninvited.

But here’s where it gets fascinating. Your body knows how to compartmentalize, and autoimmune gastritis often confuses the intestinal absorption. Nutrients and water that should be absorbed get expelled, leading to watery stools. But then, it’s intermittent, making you think you’re fine one day and then, wham! You’re not. (5)

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