Editorial Policy

Our mission

To help people around the world live healthier and happier. We offer a unique blend of lifestyle and health information, as well as easy-to-read tips and insights that can make life easier.
The information on this site covers a wide variety of health topics, and rather than filtering out details which may be considered too rare or individual, we provide extensive knowledge.


Our goal is to encourage and empower individuals to live healthy, active lives every day.

LocalQuoter.net is the ultimate go-to site for all your wellness needs. Whether you are looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle or need some quick advice on how to handle an illness in the best way, this website has it covered.

Medical journalism at LocalQuoter is a dynamic, constantly evolving field. We have the most passionate and experienced medical journalists on staff to ensure that we always deliver high-quality content with integrity.

Our board-certified reviewers are practicing specialists in their fields who will provide you with accurate reviews of therapies available through our site or any other source tailored toward your needs as an individual seeking treatment options.

LocalQuoter is committed to providing accurate, timely health information and medical research news that’s useful to consumers. We work hard at ensuring high-quality objective reporting with transparency so it can help improve your life.
The Everyday Health editorial standards were created by our team because we know how confusing today’s headlines can be – especially when they involve anything related to science or medicine.

Sources Policy

All content sources must be transparent. Reporters must indicate recognized, scientific, or official sources of information in their articles.

To provide context for the reader, every source of information included in an article must be cited and linked. If possible it is recommended that you attribute breaking news or sources that have provided crucial input if their contribution has been officially published, so your readers know how much time remains before they can publish independently on these topics themselves.

To maintain the credibility of our work, we must identify any potential conflicts of interest as soon as possible. Conflicts may arise when a reporter has been paid by an interested party; It may also occur more discreetly, for example, having ties through marriage (or another relationship) with someone who’s involved with another story – say, pharmaceutical company X. These sources are not immediately obvious or easily discoverable. But make sure there’s transparency about the timing of this situation, so readers know exactly where and when these biases could have swayed opinion.

Reporters should always be mindful of the need to identify sources when necessary. In rare instances where a source may have legal or physical trouble, it is important that they discuss this situation with their editor and provide enough information for editors so as not to hinder future reporting efforts by name-tagging them without permission first.
Identifying and stating sources is crucial, as this will allow the audience to trust what we say and believe in our journalistic credibility. In a world oversaturated with information, it’s crucial to be confident that the information is coming from an actual person with knowledge on the subject matter, instead of just some random internet user or employee reading off his script without much imagination.

When a reporter agrees to protect the identity of their source, they are using “off-the-record” information. This means that what was said will not be published or used in any way except as agreed upon by both parties involved in the conversation.
When you edit your own work, it is always best to get feedback from others. Sometimes we might miss things that could be improved in our writing. Additionally, allowing sources to refer back over parts if their article might need more information about certain aspects can also help them correct any errors which will lead to an even better overall publishing experience.

Objectivity Policy

To maintain objectivity and credibility, a journalist must clearly identify their profession when reporting. If anonymity is necessary, it’s acceptable not to reveal that they work at a news organization; however, they should still be able to speak openly about their profession if asked by the editor.

Conflict of Interest

A reporter cannot solicit gifts under any circumstances. Unsolicited, valued presents that could lead to biased opinions must be reported to an editor. If accepted and hidden, they may lead to conflict.
When covering conferences, it is sometimes appropriate to take advantage of discounted or waived attendance rates but this must always remain within reason, so it won’t appear like favoritism towards those who provide these things – just be mindful of what works best based on your personal standards.

Journalists need to remain objective and accurate in their reporting. For this reason, before making any donations or contributions of money (either charitable or political), a reporter should seek approval from their editor first so as not bring into question the objectivity and accuracy of what’s being reported on behalf of that particular news organization.

Fact-Checking Policy

Health is a crucially important part of life, and it’s even more imperative that we have access to reliable health information. Our team at LocalQuoter provides the most accurate and trusted sources for all things related to healthcare so we can empower individuals like yourself with knowledge on how best to handle personal ailments or injuries without having fear when seeking treatment from medical experts. You can always count on LocalQuoter to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information about your medical needs.

The goal of our team is simple: make sure that every piece of content we publish, from articles describing the latest cancer treatments to tips on how best to maintain healthy skin through lifestyle choices – are all true facts.

Corrections Policy

The LocalQuoter.net framework is a recommended tool for editors and contributors of all types. The framework helps us maintain the integrity of our publications, preserve reader trust in the fields that we serve—such as medical articles and features. It also helps identify areas where improvements could be made to guarantee a steady rise in quality.

When a correction is published, the reporter is responsible for alerting the homepage and social media teams so they can make the necessary changes. The correction text should be added directly into the articles as well as at the bottom of the page to clarify what has been changed; updates must not exceed five words unless otherwise specified by the editor-in-chief or design director. A concise reason why the mistake was fixed with minimal verbiage – just enough information without giving away too much. Correction example: A prior version of this post incorrectly stated that [this]. It should have read [that] instead. LocalQuoter apologizes for the mistake.

If an article is published without sufficient fact-checking, it may be necessary to publish a correction. In certain circumstances where fairness demands further editorial action instead of absolute removal of content, consider whether this would fit within your publication’s guidelines and policies on updates/followups before taking action.
If a mistake has been made on one of our social media accounts, we will correct it as soon as possible and provide an update to all users. If you spot any errors or have suggestions for improving this content, then please contact your editor immediately so they can take necessary action.

Editor Standards

LocalQuoter staff members are expected to ask for permission before freelance writing on condition topics. Do not work or consult with direct competitors, as listed by ComScore without an editor’s documented approval – this includes healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies, which could create a conflict of interest.

LocalQuoter journalists are responsible for their personal social media accounts. These platforms may also reflect upon the company and website’s reputation, so you must maintain a professional tone in all posts to avoid any negative feedback from viewers and readers of your content.

LocalQuoter strives to maintain a positive, professional presence on all of the platforms where they publish. This means that reporters and editors should avoid writing anything in their personal accounts that could give off an appearance of bias or conflict-of-interest when reporting professionally. We want readers to engage with our content confidently, knowing it is being presented objectively, without any tone wars between author optionality and news value.
The use of social networks is increasing, but it’s important to be mindful about how you present yourself. When posting on these platforms or reporting newsworthy events, it is advised to use your full name and professional title so readers can trust what they are reading with accurate information from the source.

Science Practice

Inconsistent factors can confound medical and scientific research. Reporters must give sources at least two hours to respond before publication for the sake of due diligence. Any information regarding the benefits, performance and results from any treatment products must be backed up with trustworthy evidence from transparent sources.


Please connect with our editors at [email protected] for comments and questions about all site material, including news. Inquiries will be promptly forwarded to the relevant editor. Please go to our Contact Us page if you have any queries relating to general information or other issues.