Here are foods that should be excluded from your diet at least for a few days:
Anything with caffeine. Caffeine causes gas and abdominal pain, and in some cases leads to dehydration. Coffee, energy drinks and chocolate aren`t the best food choices during a diarrhea episode. Wait until all symptoms are gone and let your intestine restore its normal function.
Greasy, smoked and spicy foods also don`t mix well with diarrhea treatment. These ones irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines, cause bloating, actively stimulate peristalsis, and generally make it difficult to treat diarrhea.
High fiber foods can irritate the stomach and lead to excessive bloating and gas, which in turn can make abdominal pain even worse.
Remember, returning to your usual eating habits right after diarrhea symptoms are gone is not a good idea. Continue eating easy-to-digest food and gradually add your favorite meals. As a rule, it takes the body 2-3 weeks until all the consequences of diarrhea are completely resolved.