10 Best Foods for Battling Gastroenteritis: Soothing the Stomach Flu

2. Oatmeal – The Gentle Grain

Oatmeal - The Gentle Grain

A warm bowl of oatmeal can be both comforting and nourishing, making it an ideal choice for those dealing with the symptoms of gastroenteritis.

High in Soluble Fiber

Oats are particularly rich in a type of soluble fiber called beta-glucan. This fiber forms a gel-like consistency when in the gut, helping to add bulk to stools, thereby aiding in managing diarrhea.

Steady Energy Release

The complex carbohydrates in oatmeal ensure a steady release of energy. This means that even if one is eating less due to reduced appetite, the energy from oatmeal will be sustained, helping combat fatigue.

Rich in Essential Micronutrients

Oats are a powerhouse of micronutrients like manganese, magnesium, iron, and zinc. These minerals play vital roles in overall health, ensuring the body remains nourished even during challenging times.

Variability in Preparation

While it’s best to keep it plain during gastroenteritis, as one starts recovering, the oatmeal can be jazzed up. From adding slices of banana to a drizzle of honey or even a sprinkle of chia seeds, oatmeal offers a canvas that caters to evolving dietary needs. (2)

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