2. Pelvic Pain: A Common Ovarian Cyst Symptom

Pelvic pain is another typical symptom experienced by women with ovarian cysts. This pain can manifest in various ways, such as a dull ache, a sharp stabbing sensation, or a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area.
The pain associated with ovarian cysts can result from several factors. For example, cysts can cause pressure on surrounding organs, leading to discomfort. Additionally, if a cyst ruptures, it can cause sudden, severe pain as fluid leaks into the pelvic cavity, irritating the surrounding tissues. Furthermore, a condition called ovarian torsion can occur when a large cyst causes the ovary to twist around its supporting ligaments, cutting off blood supply and causing severe pain.
It’s crucial to remember that pelvic pain can also be caused by various other conditions, such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), or even appendicitis. As with abdominal bloating, if the pain is persistent, worsens over time, or is accompanied by other symptoms on this list, it’s essential to seek medical attention for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. (2)