5. Cruciferous Vegetables and Iodine Absorption

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and kale are healthful additions to any diet, offering a rich array of nutrients and antioxidants. However, it’s worth noting that these veggies, particularly when consumed raw, contain substances known as goitrogens that can interfere with iodine absorption.
Goitrogens act by inhibiting the uptake of iodine into the thyroid gland, which can potentially lead to iodine deficiency, especially if iodine intake is already low. It’s also worth noting that certain other foods, like soy and millet, also contain goitrogens.
Now, does this mean you need to eliminate cruciferous vegetables from your vegan diet? Not at all. These vegetables are packed with beneficial nutrients and can certainly have a place in a well-rounded diet. However, being aware of their goitrogenic properties is important, especially for vegans who might already be receiving less iodine.
A practical approach is to consume these foods in moderation and to cook them whenever possible, as heat deactivates a significant portion of goitrogenic compounds. Keeping a check on your iodine status, and making sure to incorporate a variety of iodine-rich foods in your diet, can also help balance the potential impact of goitrogens. (5)