Salt or no salt?
Limit your salt intake to 2.5 g (a teaspoon) a day. Try not to salt the food you cook, instead choose your favorite spices and herbs. Alternatively, use low sodium salt. It also contains added potassium, magnesium, and iodine ions. Remember, processed foods contain significantly more salt than natural ones; for example, sausages and cheese contain 15 times more salt than natural meat and milk.
Staying low on alcohol.
In very small quantities, alcohol dilates heart arteries and lowers blood pressure. So, a glass of pinot noir at dinner won`t do any harm. However, be mindful, as high doses of alcohol can make blood pressure rise significantly. The weekly dose of alcohol for men should be less than 14 units, and for women – less than 8. 1 unit equals 2.5 oz. (75 ml) of wine or a small shot (1 oz. (25 ml)) of whiskey.