Fat and carbs
Try to avoid saturated and trans fats in your diet. Foods containing saturated fat (such as meat, butter, and cheese) boost triglyceride levels. Choose lean meats (such as chicken or unprocessed turkey). Meatless meals can be a good option.
Studies have shown a significant difference in triglyceride levels in vegans and those whose diet includes meat (81.67 +/- 81.90 mg/dL in vegans, vs 155.68 +/- 119.84 mg/dL in those who eat meat). [6] Thus, vegetarian dishes, such as vegetarian pastas, chilis, and stir-fries can be a delicious, yet healthy alternative. It is also a good idea to use vegetable and olive oil with lots of vegetables instead of dishes loaded with cream or cheese.
Cutting back on the amount of carbs will also help. Carbohydrates made with white flour such as pasta or bread, as well as starchy foods, raise triglyceride levels. Avoid white rice in favor of brown rice, and try grains like quinoa and barley instead of white potatoes. Whole wheat bread is a healthier choice. [7]