Foods to Avoid
The low-carb diet is relatively strict, with many foods banned because they prevent the body from using alternative energy sources.
Prohibited foods include: sugar, sweeteners and any sweet foods (chocolate, ice cream, jam, honey), cereals and pasta, pastries, legumes, fruits and dried fruits (except berries), sweet vegetables (potatoes, beets, corn, carrots and etc.), soft and cream cheese, sweet soft drinks, fruit and vegetable juices, sauces, flavored yoghurts, sweet fruit drinks.
Plain water. Absolutely essential, because during the first days of going low-carb, the body is dehydrated due to a decrease in carbohydrates. To add flavor, you can add frozen cubes of herbal infusions, berries or citrus fruit.
Sparkling water. It is absolutely harmless and does not contain artificial additives, so it doesn’t contradict the principles of a low-carb diet.
Green or black tea. A natural drink with a minimum of carbohydrates and a large amount of antioxidants that is good hot or cold. Can be enjoyed without any restrictions, but with one exception: no added sugars.
Coffee. Does not contain calories and carbohydrates, you can drink it hot or iced, but still no sugar. It stimulates the acceleration of metabolism, concentrates attention, and has an invigorating effect.
Plant-based milk. An alternative to cow’s milk, which contains sugar, is vegetable milk. Almond, coconut, flaxseed, cashew or oat milk is suitable for cooking, drinking on its own or as an addition to your drinks. However, look at the ingredients: it should not contain sugar.