Low Carb Diet: Guide and Tips to Lose Weight

Common beginner mistakes

When switching to a low-carb diet, it’s pretty common to first gain weight. It happens mostly because of mistakes and can be altered.

Too much fat

It’s very understandable, this euphoria from the fact that you can eat a lot of tasty fatty foods. Easy to get carried away and lose control of the crucial ratio between fat, proteins and carbohydrates. Just like that, you can start consuming even more calories than usual, which is a sure way to gain weight. Being aware of this and keeping a food diary can be very helpful.

Too many nuts and dairy

Nuts and dairy are great low-carb foods, especially if you digest them well. But they are easy to overeat, and they are very high in calories. Be careful, it’s easy to overdo it.

Fear of protein

With a low-carb diet, there is a risk of losing muscle along with fat. Remember: muscles need protein – the building material of muscle tissue, so 0.5-1g of protein per 2 lbs (0.9 kg) of body weight a day is a safe amount that will saturate the body well and prevent overeating.


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