18. Wheat Bran

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), one cup of wheat bran contains approximately 346 milligrams of calcium and 235 milligrams of oxalate. This is significantly higher compared to other high-fiber foods, such as oat bran and psyllium, which have lower levels of calcium and oxalate. When consumed in large quantities, the high levels of calcium and oxalate in wheat bran can combine and form kidney stones.
While wheat bran is a popular health food due to its high fiber content, consuming too much of it may increase the risk of developing kidney stones. If you are at risk of developing kidney stones, it may be best to limit your intake of high-calcium and high-oxalate foods, including wheat bran.
If you still want to consume wheat bran as part of a healthy diet, make sure to stay well hydrated, consume it in moderation, and consider adding other high-fiber foods to your diet.