Understanding Iodine Deficiency: 15 Under-Discussed Yet Critical Facts

Fact 11. A Sea of Iodine: Seafood as an Iodine Source

A Sea of Iodine Seafood as an Iodine Source

While iodine deficiency is a significant concern, there are numerous sources of this essential nutrient, especially from the sea. Seafood, including fish, shellfish, and seaweed, are excellent iodine sources, providing a natural means to prevent iodine deficiency.

Fish and shellfish absorb iodine from seawater, accumulating significant amounts in their tissues. Consuming seafood thus offers a direct, potent source of dietary iodine. For instance, a single serving of cod can provide almost two-thirds of the daily recommended iodine intake.

Seaweeds, particularly kelp, are even richer in iodine. They can absorb and concentrate iodine from seawater, resulting in iodine content thousands of times higher than in land-based foods. Just a small amount of seaweed can significantly boost iodine intake.

Despite their high iodine content, seafood and seaweeds need to be consumed with care. Overconsumption can lead to iodine excess, which can also cause thyroid problems. Nonetheless, including moderate amounts of these iodine-rich foods can help ensure adequate iodine intake and prevent iodine deficiency. (11)

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