Unlock the Power of Iodine: The Top 15 Food Sources

Food 15: Green Peas – A Vegetarian’s Iodine Fix

Green Peas - A Vegetarian's Iodine Fix

Rounding out our list are green peas, a common yet potent source of iodine. Green peas are a great way for vegetarians and vegans to ensure they get enough of this essential nutrient.

A cup of cooked green peas can deliver about 3 mcg of iodine. While this isn’t as much as seafood or dairy products, it is still a considerable amount, especially when combined with other vegetarian sources of iodine like navy beans and potatoes.

Besides iodine, green peas are rich in other vital nutrients, including vitamin K, vitamin C, and manganese. They’re also a great source of fiber, aiding in digestion and helping you feel fuller for longer.

Green peas are exceptionally versatile and can be added to a multitude of dishes. From being the green in your fried rice to the cream in your soup, they can be seamlessly incorporated into your meals.(15)

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