Food 3: Dairy Products – Cream of the Crop for Iodine

Switching gears from the sea to the farm, we now find ourselves in the realm of dairy products, another fantastic source of iodine. Milk, cheese, yogurt, and even ice cream, all carry a respectable amount of this essential mineral.
Dairy products obtain their iodine content through the diet of the dairy cows. These cows are often fed iodine-enriched feed or are given iodine-containing disinfectants for skin treatment, contributing to the iodine content in the milk they produce.
A cup of milk can provide about 59% to 112% of the recommended daily iodine intake. Cheese and yogurt also offer a decent iodine supply, with one ounce of cheese and a cup of yogurt providing approximately 30% and 50% of the daily value, respectively.
But iodine isn’t the only nutritional benefit dairy products offer. They’re also an excellent source of protein, calcium, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients, making them a valuable addition to your diet.
Of course, it’s essential to balance dairy intake with other food groups and consider dietary restrictions or intolerances. For those who can’t or choose not to consume dairy, other sources of iodine are readily available. But for dairy-lovers, these products present an easy and delicious way to increase iodine intake. (3)