Food 4: Iodized Salt – A Pinch of Iodine

Navigating our way from natural food sources, we now arrive at a man-made intervention to combat iodine deficiency – iodized salt. This humble table-top staple has played an instrumental role in meeting iodine requirements worldwide, turning a daily consumable into a public health success story.
Iodized salt is the product of a simple but brilliant initiative that began in the early 20th century. Recognizing salt’s universal consumption, public health authorities began fortifying it with iodine to combat widespread deficiencies. This strategy has proven extremely successful, with iodine deficiency rates plummeting in countries where iodized salt is prevalent.
A pinch of iodized salt goes a long way in meeting your iodine needs. Just half a teaspoon can provide 100% of the daily recommended intake of iodine. It’s an easy and convenient way to ensure you’re getting enough of this crucial mineral, particularly in regions where other iodine-rich foods are scarce or expensive.
However, as with all things, balance is key, and iodized salt is no exception. While it is a highly efficient iodine source, it’s crucial to remember that it’s still salt. And excessive sodium intake has been linked to various health issues, including high blood pressure and increased risk of heart disease and stroke. (4)