Food 7: Eggs – Nature’s Nutrient-packed Bundle

From the deep seas, let’s head back to the farm and look at another iodine-rich food – eggs. These everyday staples are small but mighty, packed with nutrients including iodine.
The iodine in eggs is primarily concentrated in the yolk, so consuming the whole egg is important to get the full iodine benefits. A large egg can provide around 16% of the daily recommended intake of iodine. This might not seem like much, but given how frequently eggs are consumed, they can significantly contribute to your total iodine intake.
Aside from iodine, eggs are a superb source of protein, with one large egg providing approximately 6 grams. They’re also rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B12 and selenium. Moreover, they contain lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that are crucial for eye health.(7)