Your Gastric Ulcer Diet Simplified: 10 Must-Have Foods

10. Oatmeal: The Breakfast of Champions for Ulcer Sufferers

Oatmeal The Breakfast of Champions for Ulcer Sufferers

Now, who would’ve thought that your grandma’s favorite breakfast could be an ulcer-fighting champ? Yep, we’re talking about good ol’ oatmeal. It’s like a cozy blanket for your stomach, only edible.

Oatmeal is rich in soluble fiber. This type of fiber forms a gel-like substance when it encounters liquids. Picture this substance as a temporary plaster for your stomach lining, blocking the harmful effects of stomach acid and creating an ideal environment for healing.

But oats also contain antioxidants called avenanthramides. These little warriors function like bouncers at a club, only allowing the good guys in while keeping the bad guys out. They reduce inflammation and help your stomach lining regain its former glory.

Your choice of oatmeal matters. Steel-cut oats and whole oat groats provide the most benefits. Instant oats? Not so much. They’re like the fast food of the oat world—quick but less effective. Cooking your oats with water instead of milk is also a better choice for ulcer-prone stomachs. (10)

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