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6. Licorice Root: The Sweet Side of Ulcer Relief

Licorice Root The Sweet Side of Ulcer Relief

Licorice isn’t just for candy; it’s a root with a storied history in traditional medicine. Specifically, deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) is the form you’ll want to get friendly with if stomach ulcers are giving you grief. DGL maintains the beneficial properties of licorice but without the side effects that could send your blood pressure skyrocketing.

This root is no slouch when it comes to forming a protective layer in the stomach. It functions like an extra layer of armor, if you will, that guards your stomach lining against the damaging effects of excess acid. It’s your stomach’s personal bodyguard at a VIP event, ensuring nothing harmful gets too close.

How does it taste? Well, the natural sweetness of licorice makes it a pleasant option for those who may not be keen on the idea of gulping down herbal medicine. It’s a delicious plot twist in the narrative of ulcer remedies. Think of it as that surprise twist ending in a movie that leaves you pleasantly shocked.

The versatility of licorice root is impressive. It’s available in various forms, from teas to chewable tablets. So, whether you sip it or chew it, licorice root makes the medicine go down a whole lot easier. It’s almost like having your cake and eating it too—except in this case, it’s medicinal. (6)

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