10 Severe Migraine Symptoms: How to Recognize Them and Seek Relief

Symptom 2: Sensitivity to Light and Sound

Sensitivity to Light and Sound

During a migraine attack, sensitivity to light (photophobia) and sound (phonophobia) can become significantly heightened. This sensitivity can exacerbate the pain and make it difficult to engage in daily activities or even rest comfortably.

Photophobia and phonophobia may be caused by the brain’s heightened response to sensory stimuli during a migraine. The exact mechanisms behind this increased sensitivity are still not fully understood, but research suggests that it may be related to the brain’s processing of sensory information and the release of certain chemicals that amplify pain signals.

To cope with light and sound sensitivity during a migraine, it’s essential to minimize exposure to these triggers. Create a comfortable, quiet, and dark space to rest in, using blackout curtains or an eye mask to block out light and earplugs or noise-canceling headphones to reduce sound. Additionally, adjusting the brightness settings on electronic devices or using screen filters can help minimize eye strain and discomfort caused by bright screens.

It’s also helpful to know your personal limits and communicate them with friends, family, and coworkers. Informing them about your sensitivity to light and sound during a migraine can help them understand your needs and provide support during an attack. (2)

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