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10 Severe Migraine Symptoms: How to Recognize Them and Seek Relief

Symptom 4: Visual Disturbances

Visual Disturbances

Visual disturbances, also known as aura, can occur before or during a migraine attack. These disturbances may include seeing flashing lights, zigzag lines, blind spots, or shimmering spots in your field of vision.

Aura symptoms are thought to be caused by a phenomenon called cortical spreading depression, a wave of electrical activity that moves across the brain’s surface, triggering the release of various chemicals that can cause inflammation and affect blood flow.

Auras typically last for about 20 minutes to an hour and usually precede the headache phase of a migraine. It’s essential to recognize these visual disturbances as a warning sign of an impending migraine attack and take preventive measures such as taking prescribed medications or engaging in relaxation techniques to minimize the severity of the migraine.

During a visual aura, find a safe and comfortable place to rest until the disturbances subside. Avoid driving or engaging in activities that require clear vision, as your visual perception may be temporarily impaired. (4)

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