Examining the 10 Principal Symptoms of Morquio Syndrome

Symptom 3. Facial Features: The Visible Mark of Morquio Syndrome

Facial Features The Visible Mark of Morquio Syndrome

Morquio Syndrome alters the facial features of individuals, giving them a characteristic appearance. These changes are quite prominent, making it one of the most visible symptoms of the condition.

The facial features affected by Morquio Syndrome are diverse. They may include a prominent forehead, a condition known as frontal bossing. This gives the forehead a protruding appearance, significantly contributing to the distinctive facial profile of people with Morquio Syndrome.

The changes don’t stop at the forehead. Individuals with Morquio Syndrome may also have a flat nose bridge, a feature that’s quite noticeable. This flattened nasal bridge further adds to the characteristic facial features.

One cannot overlook the dental manifestations of Morquio Syndrome when discussing facial features. These individuals often have widely spaced teeth. This dental condition, also known as diastema, is a noticeable feature, contributing to the unique facial appearance.(3)

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