Symptoms and Signs of Kidney Failure

2. Trouble sleeping. Patients often complain that they get up three or more times a night to urinate and when they get there nothing is happening or the amount is very little. When the kidneys aren’t functioning properly, all waste and toxins stay in your body rather than leaving it through urine.

3. Having dry skin and feeling itchy. Patients say their skin itches so badly, it`s like feels like it’s going down to their bones. Plus, acne break-outs become common. This happens because sick kidneys fail to remove waste and extra fluid from the body, so the build-up of waste in the blood can cause severe itching.

4. Need to urinate more often. Some patients share with their GP that they go peeing almost every hour and it takes them from 2 to 3 minutes to do it. When the kidney filters are damaged, it can cause an increase in the urge to urinate.

5. Seeing blood in the urine or urine of peculiar colors. Patients with CKD usually complain about having blood in their urine or their urine being the color of Coca Cola or dark beer. Our healthy kidney filters have holes so small that they keep red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the body when filtering waste to create urine. When the kidneys are damaged, erythrocytes can start leaking out into the urine.


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