The 4 Stages of Gastroparesis

3. Abdominal Pain: The Acute Distress Signal

Abdominal Pain The Acute Distress Signal

Abdominal pain, especially in the context of gastroparesis, isn’t a mild discomfort that one can ignore. It’s a sharp, often intense pain that seems to grip the stomach. Each episode feels like the stomach’s outcry, signaling that it’s overwhelmed and needs attention.

The origin of this pain can be attributed to the stagnation of food in the stomach. With the food not moving along the digestive tract, it starts to ferment, releasing gases and causing inflammation, both of which contribute to the intense abdominal pain.

Beyond the physical pain, there’s a significant psychological aspect to consider. Living in anticipation of pain, especially when it’s unpredictable, can be mentally exhausting. Social commitments get sidelined, and isolation begins to seem like the only way to cope.

This stage requires a multi-faceted approach. Alongside medical treatments to address stomach emptying, therapies to manage stress and anxiety become equally crucial. A comprehensive care approach ensures that the patient’s physical and emotional well-being is addressed. (3)

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