4. Ginger
Ginger is the most effective and adaptable natural anti-vomiting agent. It is well known for its ability to stop motion sickness and seasickness. Its action is immediate and beneficial.
Ginger chewing gums are available in pharmacies. At home, you can chew a slice of fresh ginger, extract the juice or make an infusion. Take it when you feel unwell (up to 3 cups a day) or, to prevent motion sickness, 30 to 60 minutes before departure.
Prepare by soaking freshly sliced or grated ginger (about 2 cm) in hot water.
There is also ginger powder which can be mixed in a glass of hot or cold water and enjoyed as a preventive measure or to ease whatever qualms may arise. Ginger essential oil is very good for inhalation or as an addition to the healthy ambiance of the room.