15 Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) – Know the Warning Signs of RA

4. Warmth and Redness: Telltale Signs of Inflammation in RA

Warmth and Redness Telltale Signs of Inflammation in RA

Another common symptom of rheumatoid arthritis is warmth and redness in the affected joints. The warmth is due to increased blood flow to the inflamed area, while the redness is caused by the dilation of blood vessels beneath the skin. Both warmth and redness are signs of inflammation, a key characteristic of RA.

These symptoms can be particularly noticeable during an RA flare-up, when inflammation is at its peak. However, they may also be present during periods of relative stability, as the underlying inflammation in RA is often chronic and ongoing.

Warmth and redness may be more difficult to detect in individuals with darker skin tones, but they can still be an essential clue to the presence of inflammation. If you suspect that you may have RA, it is crucial to discuss any changes in your joints, such as warmth or redness, with a healthcare provider. (4)

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