Food 3. Red Meat: A Powerhouse of Heme Iron

Red meat, such as beef, lamb, and venison, is an excellent source of heme iron, a type of iron that is more easily absorbed by the body than non-heme iron found in plant-based foods. A 100g serving of cooked beef contains about 2.7 mg of iron, making it a valuable addition to an anemia diet.
Including red meat in your meals can be as simple as grilling a steak or preparing a lean ground beef burger. Additionally, slow-cooked stews and casseroles are excellent ways to incorporate red meat and other iron-rich ingredients into your diet.
When selecting red meat, opt for lean cuts to minimize saturated fat and cholesterol intake. It is also essential to practice moderation, as excessive consumption of red meat has been linked to certain health issues. Aim to strike a balance between plant-based and animal-based iron sources for a well-rounded anemia diet.
Pairing red meat with vitamin C-rich foods, such as bell peppers, tomatoes, or citrus fruits, can further enhance iron absorption. By including red meat in your anemia diet, you can effectively increase your heme iron intake and improve your overall health. (3)