2. Animal Proteins

Meat, poultry, and fish are all sources of animal protein that can contribute to the formation of uric acid stones. High-protein diets may also reduce the levels of urinary citrate, a compound that helps prevent stone formation. This is because high-protein foods can lead to increased production of uric acid, which can crystallize and form stones in the kidneys.
Furthermore, the consumption of animal proteins can cause the body to excrete more calcium and less citrate in the urine, creating an environment conducive to kidney stone formation. High-protein diets have also been linked to a decrease in urine pH, which can increase the risk of uric acid stone formation.
To maintain a balanced protein intake and reduce the risk of kidney stones, consider incorporating plant-based proteins into your diet. Plant-based proteins can help maintain healthy kidney function while still providing the essential amino acids your body needs.
It’s also essential to monitor your overall protein intake. Consuming too much protein, regardless of the source, can increase the risk of kidney stones. It’s important to find a balance between consuming enough protein for your body’s needs and avoiding excessive protein intake that may contribute to kidney stone formation. (2)