Cause 4: Blood Loss

Blood loss is a common cause of iron deficiency, as the body loses iron stores when it loses blood. There are several ways blood loss can occur, leading to a deficiency in iron.
Menstruation is a common cause of blood loss in women of reproductive age. Heavy menstrual bleeding can lead to significant iron loss, increasing the risk of iron deficiency. Women experiencing heavy periods should consult with their healthcare provider to discuss potential treatments and monitor their iron levels.
Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, which can occur due to ulcers, gastritis, or hemorrhoids, can also result in iron loss. In some cases, GI bleeding may not be immediately apparent and can go unnoticed, leading to chronic iron deficiency. It’s essential to seek medical attention if you suspect GI bleeding, as this can be a symptom of more severe underlying conditions.
Injury or surgery can also result in blood loss and subsequent iron deficiency. In these cases, it’s crucial to work with healthcare providers to monitor and manage iron levels during recovery. (4)